Lyrical? Terrorist?
While I was away on my secret underwater Caribbean volcano island base (every eeeeevil capitalist gets one, didn't you know?) Samina Malik was convicted under the Terrorism Act 2000 because she wrote bad, tasteless poetry. Many people write bad, tasteless poetry but to say that this is the same as deliberate killing of dozens of innocent people would be stretching poetic licence to breaking point (in most cases anyway) and if reading extremist websites is a sign of being an extremist then David T or Charles Johnson must be up there with Osama Bin Laden himself.
OK she had some dodgy files on her computer, but she did not act on them. There is no evidence at all that she ever intended to act on them either. She was causing no harm to anybody nor was she even likely to cause harm to anybody. Then because the state did not like what she was thinking, it put her in jail. By putting Samina Malik in jail the state probably did more to recruit real terrorists than any amount of bad poetry that the lyrical terrorist could have ever penned. These are people looking for a justification for Islamic Rage. They are seeking reasons to claim that they are being oppressed so that they can see themselves as freedom fighters rather than the murderous bastards that they are. And the state just handed them a good one.
Plz Join the campain
On Clattery MacHinery on Poetry, where this post of yours is linked, there is a call for poetic license, for freedom:
World Samina Malik Day December 6th
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